Multimedia Console for Exercise Machines
Wireless Drivers / Bluetooth 4.0 / Video Input
Additionally, the wide geographic deployment of these devices necessitated a high reliability factor, including multiple failsafes and intense production testing.
To enable the multi-media capabilities envisioned by the customer, we additionally integrated ATSC, DVBT, ISDB TV tuner, S-video, and HDMI in up to 720P. Again, driver integration in Android OS was a critical milestone in the success of this project.
Stability of the overall system was addressed with automated reliability testing during production as well as specially designed failsafe systems to recover corrupted storage and failed system updates.
Previous solutions did not utilize Android or comparable operating systems.
Semi-public location requires resistance to accidental damage as well as frequent usage wear. modifications to ensure audio synchronization with video over Bluetooth.
Multiple peripherals, both built in and user provided, require broad driver/OS support.
Customized wireless drivers provided integration with specially selected peripherals for enhanced performance
State of the art Bluetooth hardware was integrated with Android, including core bluetooth modifications to ensure audio synchronization with video over Bluetooth.
ATSC, DVBT, ISDB TV tuner, S-video, and HDMI in up to 720P enable high quality media.
Capacitive glass interface increases damage resistance versus traditional resistive solutions.