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Implementation of ESG

Fulfillment of Social Responsibility and Deviations from the “Corporate Social Responsibility Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies” and Reasons

Evaluation Item Implementation status Deviations from the “Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies” and Reasons
I. Does the company assess ESG risks associated with its operations based on the principle of materiality, and establish related risk management policies or strategies? 1. Environment and Society:
Product responsibility: When the company requires the supplier to inspect the incoming materials, any material must submit a valid RoHS/REACH third-party inspection report, or the supplier’s self-declaration guarantee to confirm that it does not contain restricted or prohibited substances, and strict quality management provides customers with good product quality and service quality to improve customer satisfaction and become the cornerstone of sustainable development of the company.
No difference
Occupational safety: The company has labor safety personnel. In addition to the safety and health laws and regulations during the research and development, manufacturing, testing, and sales of the company’s products, the company also cooperates with the international and Taiwan safety and health management systems to implement hazard risk management, and conduct hazard assessment and continuous improvement of the work content and work area. In addition, through pre-employment safety and health training, safety advocacy, fire drills and escape drills for new recruits, we can instill correct occupational safety and health messages to colleagues, hoping to reduce occupational safety hygiene accidents, fulfill the responsibility of protecting employees.
2. Corporate governance:
The Company has adopted the ” Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles “、”Code of Ethical Conduct ” and “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles ” in its internal operation and management, as well as related internal management systems, to fulfill its corporate social responsibility role.
II. Does the company establish a dedicated or concurrent unit in charge of promoting CSR with senior management authorized by the board to take charge of proposing CSR policies and reporting to the board? The Company has designated the chairman’s office to be responsible for the presentation and implementation of corporate social responsibility policies and structures, disclosing the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the annual report, and regularly reporting to the Board of Directors. No difference
III. Environmental issues
(I) Does the company endeavor to utilize all resources more efficiently and use renewable materials which have low impact on the environment? (I) The Company introduced ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 13485 quality and environmental management systems and established supplier evaluation and management procedures, the products of our upstream original manufacturers are also considered based on their life cycle. From raw material production, transportation, production, product transportation, product use to product disposal after discarding, etc., their impact on the environment during the entire process is taken into consideration.Therefore, the Company also effectively executes criteria regarding the management of hazardous substances, pollution prevention, energy-saving, water-saving, and waste reduction, etc., in its own operating office areas and storage centers. Hoping to gradually form a green supply chain from our upstream (original supplier), midstream (the Company) to downstream (customers). No difference
(II) Does the company endeavor to improve the efficiency of resource utilization and use recycled materials which have a low impact on the environment? (II) The Company is committed to the recycling and utilization of various recyclable materials and uses recycled materials with a low impact on the environment. No difference
(III) Does the company evaluate potential risks and opportunities brought by climate change, and take response measures to climate-related issues? (III) The Company faces potential risks of climate change mainly at environmental and operational levels. For example, as extreme climate change causing resource shortages and personnel having difficulties adapting physically, resulting in increased raw material costs, suppliers struggling to complete production, and increased transportation costs, etc. These could all potentially lead to climate change directly or indirectly impacting our operating results. The Company recognizes that climate change is a major issue, hence adopting countermeasures including improving the efficiency of resource utilization, reducing water consumption, and practicing solar power generation. No difference
(IV) Does the company compile statistics of greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and total weight of waste in the past two years, and does it establish policies for energy conservation & carbon reduction, greenhouse gas emission reduction, water use reduction, and other waste management? (IV) In response to the impact of climate change on operations, aside from actively introducing new products, the Company continues to promote energy-saving and carbon-reduction policies. We have fully adopted T5 energy-saving light tubes within the Company and implemented indoor temperature regulation standards.At the same time, the Promate Solar Photovoltaic Field has a capacity of 392.6 kW. It generates about 490,000 kWh and reduces carbon emissions by approximately 242 tons annually. No difference
IV. Social issues
(I) Does the company formulate appropriate management policies and procedures according to relevant regulations and the International Bill of Human Rights? (I) The Company devises employee work rules and other relevant management methods according to labor laws to safeguard the legal rights and interests of employees, and at the same time, has an employee welfare committee. No difference
(II) Does the company have reasonable employee benefit measures (including salaries, leave, and other benefits), and do business performance or results reflect on employee salaries? (II) In addition to those regulated in the labor law, employees also enjoy bonuses based on their performances. It is further stipulated in the Company’s charter that if there is a profit, 7.5-10% shall be allocated as employee compensation. At the same time, employees enjoy domestic and foreign travel subsidies. No difference
(III) Does the company provide a safe and healthy working environment and provide employees with regular safety and health training? (III) The Company regularly performs employee health check-ups and promotes a smoke-free working environment. The cafeterias provide employees with non-toxic and safe food. We occasionally or regularly organize outdoor activities to help employees adjust physically and mentally. At the same time, we encourage employees to set up various clubs within the company. No difference
(IV)Does the company set up effective career development and training programs for its employees? (IV) In addition to creating a good working environment, the Company also encourages employees to take on-the-job training to enrich their relevant professional skills. No difference
(V) Does the company comply with relevant regulations and international standards in customer health and safety, customer privacy, and marketing and labeling its goods and services, and has it established consumer rights protection policies and complaint procedures? (V) The Company plays the role of connecting technology and creating value through providing services. To practice relevant sales and technical services, we must sign agency sales contracts that meet laws and international regulations with our domestic and foreign upstream manufacturers, before proceeding with relevant sales and services. Because the intellectual property rights of the products sold belong to our upstream original manufacturers, the product labels must also comply with the original manufacturers’ specifications.Additionally, the company’s website has a designated area for stakeholders to protect policies of consumer rights and keep appeal procedures smooth. No difference
(VI)Does the company have a supplier management policy, require suppliers to comply with regulations on environmental protection, occupational safety and health, and labor rights, and what is its implementation status? (VI) The Company has set up a “Supplier Control Procedure” and disclosed the “Supplier Control Policy” on the company website, which requires suppliers to comply with relevant regulations on issues such as environmental protection, occupational safety and health, and labor rights. The Company evaluates suppliers annually based on quality, delivery, and service then determines the frequency of dealing with each supplier according to the evaluation results. No difference
V. Does the company reference internationally accepted reporting standards or guidelines, and prepare reports that disclose non-financial information of the company, such as corporate social responsibility reports?Do the reports above obtain assurance from a third party verification unit? The Company has established the “Code of Corporate Social Responsibility” on March 24, 2014. The company to actively fulfill their corporate social responsibility in the course of their business operations so as to follow international development trends and to contribute to the economic development of the country, to improve the quality of life of employees, the community and society by acting as responsible corporate citizens, and to enhance competitive edges built on corporate social responsibility. The Company follows the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Corporate Social Responsibility
In fulfilling corporate social responsibility initiatives, the company shall, in its corporate management guidelines and business operations, give due consideration to the rights and interests of stakeholders and, while pursuing sustainable operations and profits, also give due consideration to the environment, society and corporate governance.
To implement corporate social responsibility initiatives, the company are advised to follow the principles below:
1.Exercise corporate governance.
2.Foster a sustainable environment.
3.Preserve public welfare.
4.Enhance disclosure of corporate social responsibility information.
VI. If the Company has established corporate social responsibility principles based on “Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies,” please describe any discrepancy between the principles and their implementation:
The Company has yet to establish “Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies.” However, the corporate social responsibility principles in it, taking into consideration the current situation of the Company and legal requirements, have been adopted gradually. There are no major differences regarding the implementation.​​
VII. Other important information to facilitate a better understanding of the company’s corporate social responsibility practices:
◆The Company highly regards the importance of social responsibility and actively participates in community activities. We interact amicably with suppliers and stakeholders, ensuring the protection of our consumers’ rights.​
◆The Company supporting local agricultural products with substantial actions. Selecting local small farmers to supply seasonal and local ingredients; encouraging employees to primarily purchase these agricultural products and extending the concept to the ingredients of the employee cafeteria in hopes of helping disadvantaged farmers in rural or specific areas with these actions; also reducing food miles at the same time, achieving energy conservation and carbon reduction; as of 2020, the purchased items have summed up about 150 items and the revenue on average of ~$228 million/year.
◆Promate Group actively implements corporate social reciprocation and supports baked goods made by mentally challenged children with substantial actions, hoping to distribute income to disadvantaged groups and achieve long-term care. Therefore, the Group always orders gifts from the Children Are Us bakery on Mid-Autumn Festival or other major festivals; as of 2020, the purchases have summed up to exceed NTD 240,000. The Group also encourages employees and the general public to join and help disadvantaged groups operate more smoothly, spreading love to the corners in need.​
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